- 優惠由 即日起至2018年8月31日
- 必須於優惠期內以美國運通白金信用卡簽賬,方可享有優惠。
- 預訂必須是通過安達旅運
- 出發日期/房間類別均視乎郵輪公司之供應情況而定。
- 所有航線行程如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。
- 優惠不可與任何其他促銷優惠,部分/全額兌換積分或禮券等一併使用。
- 優惠不包括港務費 、船上收取之服務小費 、假期附加費 (如適用) 、簽證費 (如適用) 、岸上觀光及其它額外費用。
- 此優惠只適用於新的客房預訂。
- 安達旅運將保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利,而不會作任何事先通知。
- 如有任何爭議,安達旅運將保留最終決定權。
- 本條款及細則之英、中文版本如有任何差別,概以中文版本為準。
Terms and Conditions
- Offer is valid for bookings made from June 20, 2018 to August 31, 2018, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”).
- To enjoy the offer, Cardmembers must settle the payment with the American Express® Platinum Credit Card or within the Promotion Period.
- Booking must be channel via Lotus Tours only.
- Booking is subject to stateroom availability and capacity controlled.
- No prior notice will be given for any change on the itineraries.
- Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, partial/full redemption of points or gift vouchers and etc.
- Offer is exclusive of Port Charges, Gratuities (to be paid onboard), holiday surcharge (where applicable), visa charges (where applicable), shore excursion fee and any other incidental charges.
- This promotion cannot be backdated to a previous date.
- Lotus Tours reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.
- Should any dispute arise, the decision of American Express and Lotus Tours shall be final.
- In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.